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The collection of Thule artifacts recovered from House 1 is fairly typical of Thule winter houses in having artifacts from a wide range of functional catagories, most of which are, however, represented by only one example. Unfortunately, artifacts capable of providing stylistic information as to the age of the site are rare. The harpoon head is the only good stylistic indicator and it certainly seems to point towards the site not being late Thule as was hoped. Several of its attributes (cut lashing slots; triangular line-hole; steep base/spur angle; absence of an end-blade) suggest an occupation pre-dating late Thule, but not providing much information beyond that (Park 1994). It is, however, almost certainly earlier than the Thule site at Cape Hardy (Lethbridge 1939) and much of the material from the south coast of Ellesmere Island (Bentham and Jenness 1941; Schledermann 1977). Thus, one of the goals of the project was not achieved through this excavation; I expect additional work in this area would remedy this deficiency.

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