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References cited

Bentham, Robert, and Diamond Jenness
1941 - Eskimo Remains in SE Ellesmere Island. Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada 35(2):41-56.
Bertulli, Margaret, and Peter Strahlendorf
1984 - The Northern Heritage Research Project on Truelove Lowland, Devon Island, High Arctic . Annual Report of the Northern Heritage Society. Yellowknife.
Holtved, Erik
1944 - Archaeological Investigations in the Thule District, Descriptive Part. Meddelelser om Gronlond 141(1).
Lethbridge, T. C.
1939 - Archaeological Data from the Canadian Arctic. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 69(2):187-233.
Lowther, G. R.
1962 - An account of an archaeological site on Cape Sparbo, Devon Island. National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 180 , pp. 1-19, Ottawa.
McGhee, Robert
1984 - The Thule Village at Brooman Point, High Arctic Canada . National Museum of Man, Archaeological Survey of Canada, Mercury series No. 125, Ottawa.
Park, Robert W.
n.d. - Report on the Northern Heritage Research Project's excavation at Truelove Lowland, Devon Island, N.W.T., 1986. Unpublished research report on file with the Northern Heritage Society, Yellowknife.
1993 - The Dorset-Thule Succession in Arctic North America: Assessing Claims for Culture Contact. American Antiquity 58(2):203-234.
1994 - Approaches to Dating the Thule culture in the Eastern Arctic. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 18:29-48.
Schledermann, Peter
1976 - The Effect of Climatic/Ecological Changes on the Style of Thule Culture Winter Dwellings. Arctic and Alpine Research 8(1):37-47.
1977 - Eskimo Trappers on Ellesmere Island, N.W.T. The Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology 7(1):84-99.

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